Our mission drives us. Our crew drive our mission.
Vanguard looks at your long-term success—at work and in life—and provides a total rewards package that will support you through the many phases and stages of your life.
Here are some of the financial, physical, and personal wellness tools we provide to our U.S. crew.
Financial wellness
Helping you achieve lasting financial well-being
We pay for performance—yours and our clients’
We pay for performance—yours and our clients’
Beyond your competitive salary, we recognize and reward the impact of your contributions each year by offering opportunities for:
- Performance bonuses or overtime pay.
- Merit-based salary increases.
- Monetary awards for recognition.

When our clients do well, you do well
Our Partnership Plan is an annual cash award that’s tied to how well we do for our clients and our collective company performance. It grounds us in driving client outcomes and rewards us all when we deliver on our mission.
Retirement readiness: It’s our business
We match—dollar for dollar—up to the first 4% of what you contribute to your Vanguard 401(k).
But we don’t stop there.
Regardless of your personal contribution, we help you save by contributing 10% of your salary to your 401(k).
The average 401(k) balance for Vanguard crew is 3x the national average1.

The average 401(k) balance for Vanguard crew is 3x the national average1
Physical wellness
Supporting your lifelong health journey
Health savings for care throughout your career and beyond
Vanguard bolsters your health savings account (HSA) with a significant and unparalleled employer contribution seed. And then we match your contributions by 1.5x. This helps you save for health care expenses now and in retirement.
Vanguard contributes up to 5x more to your HSA compared to other contributing employers2

Vanguard contributes up to 5x more to your HSA compared to other contributing employers
Flexible and inclusive health care plans for you and your loved ones
Our health care plans are designed to meet the needs of all five generations in our workplace, with flexibility aimed to meet your personal needs.
Personal wellness
Empowering you with support, compassion, and care
Your mental health and well-being are a priority
Vanguard cares about your well-being, and your loved ones are an important part of that. From education assistance, to care for your emotional and mental health, to support for providing ongoing care for family members—we provide resources to help you balance the full scope of your life.

Providing you quality support when you need it
We partner with premier organizations that offer expert strategies and resources.
Flexible spending for whatever wellness means to you
Vanguard provides an annual wellness stipend for crew to use toward a wide variety of well-being and lifestyle expenses, from fitness club memberships to streaming services, pet care, childcare, and more. This stipend is 3x more than the average amount offered by other employers 5

Paid time away, for what matters
We know that time away to celebrate, rest, rejuvenate, bond, relax, grieve, heal, or give back, contributes to your overall well-being.
Everyone’s path to financial, physical, and personal wellness looks different
As a crew member, you can customize your benefits and rewards to the things you hold most dear.
1Vanguard, How America Saves, 2023
2Willis Towers Watson, Healthcare Financial Benchmarks Survey, 2023
3Transamerica Institute, Survey of U.S. Employers, June 2021
4International Employee Assistance Professional Association, 2019
5Willis Towers Watson, Perks Study Survey, 2021
6Willis Towers Watson, Benefits Data Source, 2020