Careers Blog
Kick start your social brand by staying engaged
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Our new blog series will help kick start your personal and professional brand on social media. We’ll cover looking your best, growing your network, shaping your story, and staying engaged. Read our last blog about telling your story and shaping your brand.
Out of sight, out of mind. Don’t let that be you. You’ve worked hard to get to this point. Your profile looks good, your network is waiting, you’ve got a good strategy in place – now it’s time to get more engaged! But first, be careful of these disengagement traps:
- I get lost on all the platform changes
- I don’t have time to keep up with it
- I’m not taking full advantage so I quit
- I just don’t get it, it’s not for me
Staying engaged IS possible and we’ll make it easy for you with a few tips.
How do I find content that supports my brand strategy?
When thinking about what to write and share it’s always helpful to start by brainstorming a list. Based on the content you learned about in the previous blog, start to jot down a few ideas for each one. Here are some examples:

How do I get organized?
Curating content to read and share can be as organized or unorganized as you like. It all depends on what you are comfortable with and if you need extra help staying active on social. For example, you can use some of the tools and ideas below to streamline content that is meaningful to you.
- Bookmark your favorite sources of content in a folder on your browser
- Try Flipboard to aggregate news and social
- Set up Google Alerts to find recent press and content based on relevant keywords
- Create a Twitter list for a group of people that specialize in a certain field
- Conduct keyword searches in LinkedIn for relevant posts
- Use tools like Hootsuite and Buffer to schedule your posts
Don’t feel you need to do all of these things. If you are already very active on social media, you may not need an organized approach and can try one or two of the ideas above.
What should I write when I introduce content in my post?
We are all lazy sometimes when it comes to sharing content, but remember, it’s your honesty, generosity, and authenticity that gets the attention of your network. Talk like a real person.
If you are struggling to come up with an original introduction for your post, try some of these approaches:

How often should I post?
With the variety of content we discussed in a previous blog post there are plenty of options to differentiate your posts. Here are some guidelines broken down by channel:
LinkedIn, 1-2 times a day
Facebook, 2-3 times per day
Twitter, 5 times per day
Instagram, 1-2 times per day
Pinterest, 5 times per day
Snapchat, constantly (just kidding)
If LinkedIn is the only channel you use for your professional network, once a day should not be too hard.
Set a goal!
Schedule time on your calendar each day to review content (similar to the way professionals used to open up the newspaper with their morning coffee). When you like, comment, and share others’ posts, that is an act of engagement. LinkedIn is a professional networking channel, so it’s not only about your content. Talk to others!
Schedule your social posts for the week if that works best for you or set aside 5 minutes every day to post. Staying engaged doesn’t have to be impossible. Figure out what methods work for you and be consistent.
We hope you enjoyed this series about kick-starting your personal brand on social. With these tips you can move forward to make a positive impact and lasting impression. Don’t forget to own who you are and how you make people feel. It’s the reputation you’ve built, your story, and your image on social that makes you unique.